CTC South West London
Part of Cycling UK
About Us...
We're a friendly group of about 150 cyclists based to the south-west of London. We organise several rides each week, at weekends and midweek, and new members are always welcome. Our rides are usually based in Surrey and the surrounding counties. Most rides include three stops (11s, lunch, tea) and many are on the Tea Stops page.
We welcome riders of all abilities on our rides. (Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.) There is no charge for joining our rides for a trial but regulars must become Cycling UK members after three trial rides, and we ask you to pay an additional annual subscription (currently £2) to be a member of CTC SW London. Before joining any ride please read through our Ride Guidelines.
For more information, please see the rides calendar and the blog for the relevant group, or contact us.
These Saturday rides are short and easy paced for new and returning cyclists of any age (children must be accompanied). Experienced members ensure that no one is left behind. In summer some rides are longer perhaps even to the coast.

These Sunday rides are usually between 40 and 50 miles but may be longer in summer. They are all day returning home in late afternoon.

Riders meet on Wednesdays usually at elevenses where they subdivide into three groups: 'A', 'B' and 'C'. Sometimes the 'C' group uses a separate venue; their rides may be 20 miles whereas other groups go further perhaps 50 miles.

Every March: 3000 feet of climbing in just 30+ miles.
(only used for special events)