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Weekend rides

Our Beginners group has shorter rides on Saturdays to suit less experienced riders, and longer all-day rides on some Sundays.


For more experienced riders, the Cheam & Morden group meets each Sunday, with all-day rides that may be 50-70 miles in length.

Midweek rides

The Midweek Wayfarers group usually has three rides to suit different riders on a Wednesday, riding from elevenses to lunch and then back to a tea stop.


The Easy Riders organise slower rides of perhaps 20 miles.


The other two groups, A and B groups will generally cover between 30 and 45 miles.  If you like a challenge, join the A group for a ride which might be a bit faster or more hilly.

We welcome riders of all abilities on our rides.  (Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.).  There is no charge for joining our rides for a trial but regulars must become Cycling UK members after three trial rides, and we ask you to pay an additional annual subscription (currently £2) to be a member of CTC SW London.  Before joining any ride please read through our Ride Guidelines.


For more information, see our rides page or contact one of our group organisers.

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© 2017-2025 by CTC South West London.

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